Mia Bennett
Dr. Mia Bennett was a NCRL Ph.D. student and NSF Graduate Research Fellow in the UCLA Department of Geography from 2013-2017. Prior to the Ph.D. she received her BA from UCLA and MPhil from the University of Cambridge, where she was a Gates Scholar. Her research interests focus on the geopolitics of development in the Arctic. She is particularly interested in the activities of Indigenous Peoples and of extraterritorial states like China in the region. Working across a range of scales, she incorporates both ethnographic methods and remote sensing in her work. In her spare time, she runs a long-established blog on the Arctic, Cryopolitics. Dr. Bennett is now Assistant Professor of Geography at the University of Washington.
Website: https://www.cryopolitics.com
Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=XQS-vU4AAAAJ&hl=en
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