Åsa Rennermalm
Åsa Rennermalm was a NCRL postdoctoral scholar from 2007-2009. Her research interests are hydrological and glaciological processes in the Arctic region. Much of her work focuses on how water is transported and retained within the Greenland ice sheet, to improve physical understanding how much meltwater escapes to the ocean and raises global sea levels. Her work involves modeling, satellite and in situ data analysis, and fieldwork. She has participated or led numerous field expeditions to the Arctic, mostly to Greenland. [Note: Åsa is a female first name in Sweden and Norway, pronounced aw-suh]. Dr. Rennermalm is now Associate Professor of Geography at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
Website: http://oirap.rutgers.edu/Facsurv/html/Asa_K._Rennermalm.html
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=nc2f8fIAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
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